Monday, February 20, 2012

Power of Healing

Key Scripture:  “Whenever you go into a town and they receive and accept and welcome you, eat what is set before you’ and heal the sick in it and say to them, The Kingdom of God has come close to you.” Luke 10:8,9 Amplified Bible
 “Behold I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and (physical and mental strength and ability) over all the power of that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you.”  Luke 10:19 Amplified Bible
Power Point:
I’m thinking of the very first time I laid hands on someone and they were healed. I had a lot of faith and almost no knowledge wisdom or understanding. I was just beginning to discover that God was good and Holy Spirit was beginning to spread my wings. I didn’t have the first clue about what to do but I listened, and saw things in my spirit and did them. It was sort of like watching the whole thing on a video screen. Mostly what I did was to ask Holy Spirit to “Come please!” and boy did He ever. (He had been saving up!) At any rate the young lady was healed of fibromyalgia and released to live her life free from pain. Go Jesus!
Most people think that healing is something someone else needs to do. We’re often a little shy about asking someone if they would like to be healed or to have prayer.  If you remember, in Luke 9:2 Jesus sends out His disciples to heal the sick. The word for heal there is to make whole and actually it includes bringing about their salvation In Matt 10:8 they are instructed to heal and that word means to “serve them by healing, curing and restoring to health.” Then in Luke 10:9, Jesus sends off even more disciples and instructs them to heal the sick and then He adds, tell them that the “kingdom of God has come close to you.” In the Greek, He is saying, “bring them near, join heaven to earth.” That job assignment hasn’t changed Beloved. 
So how can you get prepared?
Well, the good news is that you already are. You have the same Spirit in you that Jesus did. Jesus is praying for you, and has promised to accompany you to validate His Message.  That means that if you need more faith, you can share His; if you need courage, He’s pretty good in that department as well, don’t you think? Everything He was and is is there for you to bring heaven to earth. Your part of the partnership is to study the Word day and night, to keep His Word and His words in your heart and mind continuously. Walk by what He says, not what the world says. Turn a deaf ear to everything but His Word.
Ask Him to give you more revelation and wisdom and understanding.  He loves to do that. And then remember that you are not taking you to people, you are taking the powerful Presence of God to them. That needs to be our emphasis, my friend. All you have to concentrate on is being so filled with Him that heaven just oozes out of you. You are joining heaven to earth.
Start spreading your wings Beloved. You’ll find a powerful wind beneath them.
Power Thought:
Part of bringing “heaven to earth” is bringing healing to the people who live here.

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