Thursday, February 9, 2012

Power of the Goal

Key Scripture:  "I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward-to Jesus.  I'm off and running and I'm not turning back."  Philippians 3:14, The Message
Power Point: 
There really is nothing more exciting than seeing the winning team reach that goal is there? I can remember going to football games in college, not because I liked football but because I loved my boyfriend (who loved football) and because they were just such fun!  Everybody would get so excited and jump up and down and yell and cheer. It was a bit different when our team fumbled the ball or didn't make the first down, or, of course, lost the game. Then it was a whole different atmosphere. I liked winning better.
I still do!  I don't mean in a football game or some other sporting event but I love seeing people winning in life. I love seeing them connecting to their heavenly inheritance, their heavenly family and running their race. When someone starts to stumble or fall I like to help them back on their feet, give them a pat on the back and an encouraging word and watch them get back on the track. So does God! The thing I've learned from Him is that just because you stumble in your race, it doesn't mean you've lost it. Like King David for example- major stumbles- but he finished with a flourish.  And then there's the story of Abraham and Sarah. He came right out of intimate conversation with God, armed with promises for a blessed life and marched Sarah right into the kings bedroom lying as though he had no promises. But I guess you could say, he got back on track and had a flourishing finish.
How about you?  Did you get off track last year? Are you sure you'll never make it to the finish line? Are you sure you've lost your race? Well, cheer up my friend. God is very clear about giving us grace for our stumbles.  He forgets them, remember? He's making sure that if you turn the whole situation over to Him, He'll help you get back where you belong and on toward the goal.
Like Winston Churchill, God never, never, never gives up! Neither should you!
Power Thought:
 God began celebrating your big finish before you begin. If He's not worried, you shouldn't be either.

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