Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Power of Our Inheritance

Key Scripture:  “I look at Your macro skies, dark and enormous, your hand made sky jewelry; moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder why do You bother with us?  Why do you even take a second look our way?”  Psalm 8:3,4, The Message
Power Point:
Can’t you just imagine the shepherd boy, David, the lowest of the low in his family, lying out under the stars every night? isolated, on alert for the enemy and doing what most people would do-just lying on his back looking at the heavens.  There was a lot of time to reflect on the glory of God wasn’t there?
Fast forward to a few years later when the shepherd boy has become King of Israel. He walks to the roof of his castle one night and sees the same heavens, the same stars, and he realizes with even greater clarity what God has done. He has taken the smallest of the small and put him in charge of everything He has. He has been crowned with glory and honor and he has been entrusted with dominion over all of God’s creation.
I love these verses because they are a graphic picture of what our heavenly Father has done for us in Christ:
What is man (or who am I) that you would take notice of me?
Out of my mouth You have ordained that strength would come- that You would hear my words and silence the enemy and the avenger.
You have made me a little lower than angels!
You have crowned me with the same glory and honor with which You crowned Jesus.
You have given me dominion, to rule and to reign over every single thing You have created.
You have put all things under my feet.
Can you catch the “awe” in his voice?  Can you hear the “who me?” in his words?
Don’t you feel that way too at times? When you really sit back and look up and see what God has done for you, doesn’t it take your breath away?
I think that one of the reasons that David was a “Man after God’s own heart” was that he realized the magnitude of what God had done and thought about it often and wrote it down so that others could read it. He was actually a living picture of what God does for each of us. He ruled and he reigned. He had abundant prosperity. (God supplied all his needs). He won his battles and defeated the enemy over and over again. His words always exalted God’s name and His character because that was what he experienced the goodness they represented.
 We need to experience that same breathlessness over God’s gift to us don’t you think? We need to frequently remind ourselves of all the dominion He has given us. What I love most about this is that David says, “Out of MY mouth YOU have ordained the strength to come that will silence the enemy. Isn’t that good news? That’s what Jesus died to give you, strength and victory against all the enemy’s plans to steal, kill and destroy in your life.  Amazing. How truly excellent He is. Have you told Him lately?
Power Thought:
Every single thing that God did for David He has done for us, and more.

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