Monday, March 19, 2012

Power of Traces

Key Scripture: "The things you have heard and seen in me, do them."
Power Point:
I recently spent a week with my son and his family in Arizona.  This was departure day.
I got up very early, washed all the bed linens and put them back on the bed. I polished the furniture and made sure everything was neat and tidy. When I left “Gami’s Room” there was not a trace that I had been there. I thought about that. There wasn’t a physical reminder that I had been there at all, but I believe there were plenty of memories that will last for a long time. There were plenty of conversations that will remind my grands about how much I love them and how good God is, and how much He loves them.  I’ll return again in May for Reagan Grace’s sixth birthday.  It promises to be a great occasion.  I may even try the water slide. But then again, that would involve a swimsuit so, maybe not! At any rate, I'll be back!
When Jesus left earth after his visit here, He left an empty tomb and he left a lot of good memories behind didn’t He? Everything He did created a positive picture of how much the world was loved and how good His Father God was, all the time. When He left to go to heaven, people were absolutely devastated. They missed His kindness, His compassion, His wisdom, His care for them, and His passion for always bringing heaven to earth.  I guess you could say, “they missed all the good”. His visit was brief but I think you’d have to agree it was memorable. When I leave Arizona, it’s important that we all focus on the “next time”.  You know- “I’ll be back before you know it!”, or “We’ll do _______ “next time”. Just like my grandchildren, we know that there will be a “next time” when Jesus comes back. We know what will happen then and it’s exciting to look forward to it isn’t it?
Sometimes its just a good thing to sit back and think about what you leave behind. What did you leave behind at work yesterday, or at the dinner table? What traces will remain that will bless people as you go about your day today? 
Food for thought isn’t it?
Power Thought:
What part of heaven did you trace on earth?

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